Set the cursor to refer to the last key/data pair of the database, and store the secondary key and primary key/data pair in Current. If the last key has duplicate values, the last data item in the set of duplicates is stored in Current. If key, or pkey, or data is partial DatabaseEntry, its PartialLen bytes starting PartialOffset bytes from the beginning of the retrieved data record are returned as if they comprised the entire record. If any or all of the specified bytes do not exist in the record, MoveLast is successful, and any existing bytes are returned.

Namespace:  BerkeleyDB
Assembly:  libdb_dotnet181 (in libdb_dotnet181.dll) Version:


public bool MoveLast(
	DatabaseEntry key,
	DatabaseEntry pkey,
	DatabaseEntry data,
	LockingInfo info
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function MoveLast ( _
	key As DatabaseEntry, _
	pkey As DatabaseEntry, _
	data As DatabaseEntry, _
	info As LockingInfo _
) As Boolean
Visual C++
bool MoveLast(
	DatabaseEntry^ key, 
	DatabaseEntry^ pkey, 
	DatabaseEntry^ data, 
	LockingInfo^ info


Type: BerkeleyDB..::.DatabaseEntry
The retrieved key in secondary db
Type: BerkeleyDB..::.DatabaseEntry
The key of the matching record in primary db
Type: BerkeleyDB..::.DatabaseEntry
The data of the matching record in primary db
Type: BerkeleyDB..::.LockingInfo
The locking behavior to use

Return Value

True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.


If positioning the cursor fails, Current will contain an empty KeyValuePair<(Of <(TKey, TValue>)>).

See Also