Class | Description | |
AckPolicy |
The AckPolicy class specifies how master and client sites handle
acknowledgment of replication messages which are necessary for
"permanent" records. The current implementation requires all sites in a
replication group to configure the same acknowledgement policy.
| |
ActiveTransaction |
The ActiveTransaction class describes a currently active transaction.
| |
BackupOptions |
Configuration parameters for hot backup.
| |
BadSecondaryException |
A secondary index has been corrupted. This is likely the result of an
application operating on related databases without first associating
| |
BaseCursor | The abstract base class from which all cursor classes inherit. Cursors may span threads, but only serially. The application must serialize access to the cursor handle. | |
BaseDatabase |
The base class from which all database classes inherit.
| |
BTreeCursor |
A class for traversing the records of a BTreeDatabase | |
BTreeDatabase |
A class representing a BTreeDatabase. The Btree format is a
representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure.
| |
BTreeDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
BTreeDatabase | |
BTreeStats |
Statistical information about a BTreeDatabase
| |
ByteOrder |
A class to represent the database byte order.
| |
CacheInfo |
A class to represent information about the Berkeley DB cache
| |
CachePriority |
A class to represent cache priority for database pages
| |
CompactConfig |
A class to represent configuration settings for
Compact(CompactConfig) and
| |
CompactData |
A class for representing compact operation statistics
| |
Cursor |
A class representing database cursors, which allows for traversal of
database records.
| |
CursorConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for Cursor | |
Database |
A class representing a Berkeley DB database, a base class for access
method specific classes.
| |
DatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for Database | |
DatabaseEntry |
A class representing a key or data item in a Berkeley DB database
| |
DatabaseEnvironment |
A class representing a Berkeley DB database environment - a collection
including support for some or all of caching, locking, logging and
transaction subsystems, as well as databases and log files.
| |
DatabaseEnvironmentConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
DatabaseEnvironment | |
DatabaseException |
Represents errors that occur during Berkley DB operations.
| |
DatabaseStream |
A class representing a database stream,
which allows streaming access to external files.
| |
DatabaseStreamConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
DatabaseStream | |
DatabaseType |
A class representing the supported Berkeley DB access methods.
| |
DbChannel |
A class representing a channel in Berkeley DB HA replication manager.
| |
DbSite |
A class representing a site in Berkeley DB HA replication manager.
| |
DbSiteConfig |
Configuration properties for a site in replication manager.
| |
DbThreadID |
A class representing a unique identifier for a thread of control in a
Berkeley DB application.
| |
DeadlockException |
When multiple threads of control are modifying the database, there is
normally the potential for deadlock. In Berkeley DB, deadlock is
signified by a DeadlockException thrown from the Berkeley DB function.
Whenever a Berkeley DB function throws a DeadlockException, the
enclosing transaction should be aborted.
| |
DeadlockPolicy |
A class to represent what lock request(s) should be rejected during
deadlock resolution.
| |
ErrorCodes |
Constants representing error codes returned by the Berkeley DB library.
| |
ForeignConflictException | ||
FullLogBufferException |
In-memory logs are configured and no more log buffer space is available.
| |
HashCursor |
A class for traversing the records of a HashDatabase | |
HashDatabase |
A class representing a HashDatabase. The Hash format is an extensible,
dynamic hashing scheme.
| |
HashDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
HashDatabase | |
HashStats |
Statistical information about a HashDatabase
| |
HeapDatabase |
A class representing a HeapDatabase.
| |
HeapDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
HeapDatabase | |
HeapFullException |
An attempt was made to add or update a record in a
HeapDatabase. However, the size of the database was
constrained using MaxSize(UInt32, UInt32), and that
limit has been reached.
| |
HeapRecordId |
Content used for the key in a Heap database record. Berkeley DB creates
this value for you when you create a record in a Heap database. You
should never create this structure yourself; Berkeley DB must create it
for you.
This structure is returned in the key DatabaseEntry parameter of the
method that you use to add a record to the Heap database.
| |
HeapStats |
Statistical information about a QueueDatabase
| |
JoinCursor |
A class representing a join cursor, for use in performing equality or
natural joins on secondary indices. For information on how to organize
your data to use this functionality, see Equality join in the
Programmer's Reference Guide.
| |
KeyEmptyException |
The requested key/data pair logically exists but was never explicitly
created by the application, or that the requested key/data pair was
deleted and never re-created. In addition, the Queue access method
throws a KeyEmptyException for records that were created as part of a
transaction that was later aborted and never re-created.
| |
KeyExistException |
A key/data pair was inserted into the database using
PutNoOverwrite(MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry) and the key already
exists in the database, or using
PutNoDuplicate(DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry) or
PutNoDuplicate(DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry) and the key/data
pair already exists in the database.
| |
KeyRange | A class representing an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to, and greater than a given key. Values are in the range of 0 to 1; for example, if the field less is 0.05, 5% of the keys in the database are less than the key parameter. The value for equal is zero if there is no matching key, and is non-zero otherwise. | |
LeaseExpiredException |
The site's replication master lease has expired.
| |
LockingConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
DatabaseEnvironment's locking subsystem.
| |
LockingInfo |
A class representing the locking options for Berkeley DB operations.
| |
LockNotGrantedException |
If TimeNotGranted is true,
database calls timing out based on lock or transaction timeout values
throw a LockNotGrantedException, instead of a DeadlockException.
| |
LockStats |
Statistical information about the locking subsystem
| |
LogConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
DatabaseEnvironment's logging subsystem.
| |
LogStats |
Statistical information about the logging subsystem
| |
LogVerifyConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for log verification.
| |
A log sequence number, which specifies a unique location in a log file.
| |
MetaCheckSumFailException |
A checksum mismatch was detected on a database metadata page. Either
the database is corrupted or the file is not a Berkeley DB database
| |
MPoolConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
DatabaseEnvironment's memory pool subsystem.
| |
MPoolFileStats |
Statistical information about a file in the memory pool
| |
MPoolStats |
Statistical information about the memory pool subsystem
| |
MultipleDatabaseEntry |
A class providing access to multiple DatabaseEntry
| |
MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry |
A class providing access to multiple key/data pairs.
| |
MutexConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
DatabaseEnvironment's mutex subsystem.
| |
MutexStats |
Statistical information about the mutex subsystem
| |
NotFoundException |
The requested key/data pair did not exist in the database or that
start-of- or end-of-file has been reached by a cursor.
| |
OldVersionException |
This version of Berkeley DB is unable to upgrade a given database.
| |
PageNotFoundException | ||
PreparedTransaction |
A class representing a transaction that must be resolved by the
application following Recover(Int32, Boolean).
| |
QueueDatabase |
A class representing a QueueDatabase. The Queue format supports fast
access to fixed-length records accessed sequentially or by logical
record number.
| |
QueueDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
QueueDatabase | |
QueueStats |
Statistical information about a QueueDatabase
| |
RecnoCursor |
A class for traversing the records of a RecnoDatabase | |
RecnoDatabase |
A class representing a RecnoDatabase. The Recno format supports fixed-
or variable-length records, accessed sequentially or by logical record
number, and optionally backed by a flat text file.
| |
RecnoDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
RecnoDatabase | |
RecnoStats |
Statistical information about a RecnoDatabase
| |
ReplicationConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
DatabaseEnvironment's replication subsystem.
| |
ReplicationHostAddress |
A class representing the address of a replication site used by Berkeley
| |
ReplicationStats |
Statistical information about the replication subsystem
| |
RepMgrSite |
A class representing a replication site used by Replication Manager.
| |
RepMgrStats |
Statistical information about the Replication Manager
| |
RepProcMsgResult |
A class representing the return value of
RepProcessMessage(DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry, Int32).
| |
RunRecoveryException |
Berkeley DB has encountered an error it considers fatal to an entire
environment. Once a RunRecoveryException has been thrown by any
interface, it is returned from all subsequent Berkeley DB calls
made by any threads of control participating in the environment.
| |
SecondaryBTreeDatabase |
A class representing a SecondaryBTreeDatabase. The Btree format is a
representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure.
| |
SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
SecondaryBTreeDatabase | |
SecondaryCursor |
A class representing database cursors over secondary indexes, which
allow for traversal of database records.
| |
SecondaryDatabase |
A class representing a secondary Berkeley DB database, a base class for
access method specific classes.
| |
SecondaryDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
SecondaryDatabase | |
SecondaryHashDatabase |
A class representing a SecondaryHashDatabase. The Hash format is an
extensible, dynamic hashing scheme.
| |
SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
SecondaryHashDatabase | |
SecondaryQueueDatabase |
A class representing a SecondaryQueueDatabase. The Queue format supports
fast access to fixed-length records accessed sequentially or by logical
record number.
| |
SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
SecondaryQueueDatabase | |
SecondaryRecnoDatabase |
A class representing a RecnoDatabase. The Recno format supports fixed-
or variable-length records, accessed sequentially or by logical record
number, and optionally backed by a flat text file.
| |
SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for
RecnoDatabase | |
Sequence |
A class that provides an arbitrary number of persistent objects that
return an increasing or decreasing sequence of integers.
| |
SequenceConfig |
Configuration properties for a Sequence
| |
SequenceStats |
Statistical information about a Sequence
| |
Transaction |
A class representing Berkeley DB transactions
| |
TransactionConfig |
A class representing configuration parameters for a
| |
TransactionStats |
Statistical information about the transaction subsystem.
| |
VerboseMessages |
Enable specific additional informational and debugging messages.
| |
VerificationException |
Thrown by Verify(String, DatabaseConfig) if a database is
corrupted, and by Salvage(String, DatabaseConfig) if all
key/data pairs in the file may not have been successfully output.
| |
VersionMismatchException |
The version of the Berkeley DB library does not match the version that
created the database environment.
Interface | Description | |
IBackup |
An interface that can optionally be used to override the default
behavior performed by the Backup(String, BackupOptions) and
BackupDatabase(String, String, Boolean) methods. Implementation
of this interface is required if the DatabaseEnvironment.backup or
DatabaseEnvironment.backupDatabase target parameter is null. You
configure the environment with this handler via
Delegate | Description | |
AppendRecordDelegate |
A function to call after the record number has been selected but before
the data has been stored into the database.
| |
BTreeCompressDelegate |
A function to store a compressed key/data pair into a supplied buffer.
| |
BTreeDecompressDelegate |
A function to decompress a key/data pair from a supplied buffer.
| |
DatabaseFeedbackDelegate |
The application-specified feedback function called to report the operation
progress of Berkeley DB.
| |
EntryComparisonDelegate |
An application-specified comparison function.
| |
EntryPrefixComparisonDelegate |
An application-specified prefix comparison function.
| |
EnvironmentFeedbackDelegate |
The application-specified feedback function called to report Berkeley DB
operation progress.
| |
ErrorFeedbackDelegate |
The application-specified error reporting function.
| |
EventNotifyDelegate |
The application's event notification function.
| |
ForeignKeyNullifyDelegate | ||
HashFunctionDelegate |
The application-specified hash function.
| |
MessageDispatchDelegate |
Application-specific function used to handle messages sent over
Replication Manager message channels.
| |
MessageFeedbackDelegate |
The application-specified reporting function.
| |
PartitionDelegate |
An application-specified partitioning function.
| |
ReplicationTransportDelegate |
The function used to transmit data using the replication application's
communication infrastructure.
| |
ReplicationViewDelegate |
Application-specific function used by a replication view to determine
whether a database file is replicated to the local site.
| |
SecondaryKeyGenDelegate |
The function that creates the set of secondary keys corresponding to a
given primary key and data pair. To create multiple secondary keys,
return a MultipleDatabaseEntry.
| |
SetThreadIDDelegate |
A function which returns a unique identifier pair for a thread of
control in a Berkeley DB application.
| |
SetThreadNameDelegate |
A function which returns an identifier pair for a thread of control
formatted for display.
| |
ThreadIsAliveDelegate |
A function which returns whether the thread of control, identified by
info, is still running.
Enumeration | Description | |
CreatePolicy |
The policy for how to handle database creation.
| |
Cursor..::.InsertLocation |
Specifies where to place duplicate data elements of the key to which
the cursor refers.
| |
Database..::.VerifyOperation |
Specifies the type of verification to perform
| |
DatabaseFeedbackEvent |
Specifies the database operation whose progress is being reported
| |
DuplicatesPolicy |
Policy for duplicate data items in the database. Allows a key/data
pair to be inserted into the database even if the key already exists.
| |
EncryptionAlgorithm |
Specifies an algorithm used for encryption and decryption
| |
EnvironmentFeedbackEvent |
Specifies the environment operation whose progress is being reported
| |
EnvironmentID |
Special environment IDs.
| |
ForeignKeyDeleteAction |
Specifies the action to take when deleting a foreign key
| |
Isolation |
Specify the degree of isolation for transactional operations
| |
NotificationEvent |
Specify a Berkeley DB event
| |
RepProcMsgResult..::.ProcMsgResult |
The result of processing an incoming replication message.
| |
TransactionAppliedStatus |
Status values from transaction application checking operations.
| |
TransactionConfig..::.LogFlush |
Specifies the log flushing behavior on transaction commit