David M. Beazley
December, 2006
void Swig_init_args(int argc, char **argv_)
Registers command line options with the SWIG core. This creates an internal array that is used by other functions to mark whether or not a particular command line option was used. This is ultimately used to issue error messages about unused or unknown command line options. This function is currently invoked in the SWIG main() function that is found in Source/Modules/swigmain.cxx.
void Swig_mark_arg(int n)
Mark argument number n as used.
int Swig_check_marked(int n)
Check to see if argument n has been marked. Returns 0 or 1.
void Swig_check_options()
Checks all command line options to see if they have all been processed. If not, an error message is generated and SWIG exits. This function is currently invoked in Source/Modules/main.cxx just before SWIG starts any processing of input files.
void Swig_arg_error())
A generic function that issues an error message about being unable to parse command line options and SWIG exits.