\function{_array_byteswap} \synopsis{Convert an array from one endianness to another} \usage{b = _array_byteswap (Array_Type a, Int_Type from, Int_Type to)} \description The \ifun{_array_byteswap} function converts the elements of an array from one endianess to another via a byte-swapping operation. The parameters \exmp{from} and \exmp{to} indicate the endianesss of the input and output arrays, respectively. The values for \exmp{from} and \exmp{to} parameters must be one of the following: #v+ 'B', 'b', '>' : Big Endian (network order) 'L', 'l', '<' : Little Endian 'N', 'n', '=' : Native (host order) #v- The function returns an array of the corresponding byte-swapped elements. \notes If the parameter \exmp{a} is a scalar, a corresponding byte-swapped scalar will be returned. If the object represented by the parameter \exmp{a} cannot be byteswapped, an exception will be thrown. For example, an error will be thrown if \exmp{a} is a \dtype{String_Type} object. \seealso{pack, unpack, typecast} \done \function{atof} \synopsis{Convert a string to a double precision number} \usage{Double_Type atof (String_Type s)} \description This function converts a string \exmp{s} to a double precision value and returns the result. It performs no error checking on the format of the string. The function \ifun{_slang_guess_type} may be used to check the syntax of the string. \example #v+ define error_checked_atof (s) { if (__is_datatype_numeric (_slang_guess_type (s))) return atof (s); throw InvalidParmError, "$s is not a double"$; } #v- \seealso{typecast, double, _slang_guess_type} \done \function{atoi} \synopsis{Convert a string to an integer} \usage{Int_Type atoi (String_Type str)} \description The \ifun{atoi} function converts a string to an \exmp{Int_Type} using the standard C library function of the corresponding name. \notes This function performs no syntax checking upon its argument. \seealso{integer, atol, atoll, atof, sscanf} \done \function{atol} \synopsis{Convert a string to an long integer} \usage{Long_Type atol (String_Type str)} \description The \ifun{atol} function converts a string to a \exmp{Long_Type} using the standard C library function of the corresponding name. \notes This function performs no syntax checking upon its argument. \seealso{integer, atoi, atoll, atof, sscanf} \done \function{atoll} \synopsis{Convert a string to a long long} \usage{LLong_Type atoll (String_Type str)} \description The \ifun{atoll} function converts a string to a \exmp{LLong_Type} using the standard C library function of the corresponding name. \notes This function performs no syntax checking upon its argument. Not all platforms provide support for the long long data type. \seealso{integer, atoi, atol, atof, sscanf} \done \function{char} \synopsis{Convert a character code to a string} \usage{String_Type char (Integer_Type c)} \description The \ifun{char} function converts an integer character code (ascii) value \exmp{c} to a string of unit character length such that the first character of the string is \exmp{c}. For example, \exmp{char('a')} returns the string \exmp{"a"}. If UTF-8 mode is in effect (\ivar{_slang_utf8_ok} is non-zero), the resulting single character may be represented by several bytes. If the character code \exmp{c} is less than 0, then byte-semantics will be used with the resulting string consisting of a single byte whose value is that of \exmp{-c&0xFF}. \notes A better name should have been chosen for this function. \seealso{integer, string, sprintf, pack} \done \function{define_case} \synopsis{Define upper-lower case conversion} \usage{define_case (Integer_Type ch_up, Integer_Type ch_low)} \description This function defines an upper and lowercase relationship between two characters specified by the arguments. This relationship is used by routines which perform uppercase and lowercase conversions. The first integer \exmp{ch_up} is the ascii value of the uppercase character and the second parameter \exmp{ch_low} is the ascii value of its lowercase counterpart. \notes This function has no effect in UTF-8 mode. \seealso{strlow, strup} \done \function{double} \synopsis{Convert an object to double precision} \usage{Double_Type double (x)} \description The \ifun{double} function typecasts an object \exmp{x} to double precision. For example, if \exmp{x} is an array of integers, an array of double types will be returned. If an object cannot be converted to \ifun{Double_Type}, a type-mismatch error will result. \notes The \ifun{double} function is equivalent to the typecast operation #v+ typecast (x, Double_Type) #v- To convert a string to a double precision number, use the \ifun{atof} function. \seealso{typecast, atof, int} \done \function{int} \synopsis{Typecast an object to an integer} \usage{Int_Type int (s)} \description This function performs a typecast of an object \exmp{s} to an object of \dtype{Integer_Type}. If \exmp{s} is a string, it returns returns the ascii value of the first bytes of the string \exmp{s}. If \exmp{s} is \dtype{Double_Type}, \ifun{int} truncates the number to an integer and returns it. \example \ifun{int} can be used to convert single byte strings to integers. As an example, the intrinsic function \ifun{isdigit} may be defined as #v+ define isdigit (s) { if ((int (s) >= '0') and (int (s) <= '9')) return 1; return 0; } #v- \notes This function is equivalent to \exmp{typecast (s, Integer_Type)}; \seealso{typecast, double, integer, char, isdigit, isxdigit} \done \function{integer} \synopsis{Convert a string to an integer} \usage{Integer_Type integer (String_Type s)} \description The \ifun{integer} function converts a string representation of an integer back to an integer. If the string does not form a valid integer, a SyntaxError will be thrown. \example \exmp{integer ("1234")} returns the integer value \exmp{1234}. \notes This function operates only on strings and is not the same as the more general \ifun{typecast} operator. \seealso{typecast, _slang_guess_type, string, sprintf, char} \done \function{isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit } \synopsis{Character classification functions} \usage{Char_Type isalnum(wch) Char_Type isalpha(wch) Char_Type isascii(wch) Char_Type isblank(wch) Char_Type iscntrl(wch) Char_Type isdigit(wch) Char_Type isgraph(wch) Char_Type islower(wch) Char_Type isprint(wch) Char_Type ispunct(wch) Char_Type isspace(wch) Char_Type isupper(wch) Char_Type isxdigit(wch) } \description These functions return a non-zero value if the character given by \exmp{wch} is a member of the character class represented by the function, according to the table below. Otherwise, 0 will be returned to indicate that the character is not a member of the class. If the parameter \exmp{wch} is a string, then the first character (not necessarily a byte) of the string will be used. #v+ isalnum : alphanumeric character, equivalent to isalpha or isdigit isalpha : alphabetic character isascii : 7-bit unsigned ascii character isblank : space or a tab iscntrl : control character isdigit : digit 0-9 isgraph : non-space printable character islower : lower-case character isprint : printable character, including a space ispunct : non-alphanumeric graphic character isspace : whitespace character (space, newline, tab, etc) isupper : uppercase case character isxdigit: hexadecimal digit character 0-9, a-f, A-F #v- \seealso{strtrans} \done \function{_slang_guess_type} \synopsis{Guess the data type that a string represents} \usage{DataType_Type _slang_guess_type (String_Type s)} \description This function tries to determine whether its argument \exmp{s} represents an integer (short, int, long), floating point (float, double), or a complex number. If it appears to be none of these, then a string is assumed. It returns one of the following values depending on the format of the string \exmp{s}: #v+ Short_Type : short integer (e.g., "2h") UShort_Type : unsigned short integer (e.g., "2hu") Integer_Type : integer (e.g., "2") UInteger_Type : unsigned integer (e.g., "2") Long_Type : long integer (e.g., "2l") ULong_Type : unsigned long integer (e.g., "2l") Float_Type : float (e.g., "2.0f") Double_Type : double (e.g., "2.0") Complex_Type : imaginary (e.g., "2i") String_Type : Anything else. (e.g., "2foo") #v- For example, \exmp{_slang_guess_type("1e2")} returns \dtype{Double_Type} but \exmp{_slang_guess_type("e12")} returns \dtype{String_Type}. \seealso{integer, string, double, atof, __is_datatype_numeric} \done \function{string} \synopsis{Convert an object to a string representation.} \usage{String_Type string (obj)} \description The \ifun{string} function may be used to convert an object \exmp{obj} of any type to its string representation. For example, \exmp{string(12.34)} returns \exmp{"12.34"}. \example #v+ define print_anything (anything) { message (string (anything)); } #v- \notes This function is \em{not} the same as typecasting to a \dtype{String_Type} using the \ifun{typecast} function. \seealso{typecast, sprintf, integer, char} \done \function{tolower} \synopsis{Convert a character to lowercase.} \usage{Integer_Type lower (Integer_Type ch)} \description This function takes an integer \exmp{ch} and returns its lowercase equivalent. \seealso{toupper, strup, strlow, int, char, define_case} \done \function{toupper} \synopsis{Convert a character to uppercase.} \usage{Integer_Type toupper (Integer_Type ch)} \description This function takes an integer \exmp{ch} and returns its uppercase equivalent. \seealso{tolower, strup, strlow, int, char, define_case} \done \function{typecast} \synopsis{Convert an object from one data type to another.} \usage{typecast (x, new_type)} \description The \ifun{typecast} function performs a generic typecast operation on \exmp{x} to convert it to \exmp{new_type}. If \exmp{x} represents an array, the function will attempt to convert all elements of \exmp{x} to \exmp{new_type}. Not all objects can be converted and a type-mismatch error will result upon failure. \example #v+ define to_complex (x) { return typecast (x, Complex_Type); } #v- defines a function that converts its argument, \exmp{x} to a complex number. \seealso{int, double, typeof, _array_byteswap} \done \function{_typeof} \synopsis{Get the data type of an object} \usage{DataType_Type _typeof (x)} \description This function is similar to the \ifun{typeof} function except in the case of arrays. If the object \exmp{x} is an array, then the data type of the array will be returned. Otherwise \ifun{_typeof} returns the data type of \exmp{x}. \example #v+ if (Integer_Type == _typeof (x)) message ("x is an integer or an integer array"); #v- \seealso{typeof, array_info, _slang_guess_type, typecast} \done \function{typeof} \synopsis{Get the data type of an object} \usage{DataType_Type typeof (x)} \description This function returns the data type of \exmp{x}. \example #v+ if (Integer_Type == typeof (x)) message ("x is an integer"); #v- \seealso{_typeof, is_struct_type, array_info, _slang_guess_type, typecast} \done