\function{ctime} \synopsis{Convert a calendar time to a string} \usage{String_Type ctime(Long_Type secs)} \description This function returns a string representation of the time as given by \exmp{secs} seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970. \seealso{time, strftime, _time, localtime, gmtime} \done \function{gmtime} \synopsis{Break down a time in seconds to the GMT timezone} \usage{Struct_Type gmtime (Long_Type secs)} \description The \ifun{gmtime} function is exactly like \ifun{localtime} except that the values in the structure it returns are with respect to GMT instead of the local timezone. See the documentation for \ifun{localtime} for more information. \notes On systems that do not support the \ifun{gmtime} C library function, this function is the same as \ifun{localtime}. \seealso{localtime, _time, mktime} \done \function{localtime} \synopsis{Break down a time in seconds to the local timezone} \usage{Struct_Type localtime (Long_Type secs)} \description The \ifun{localtime} function takes a parameter \exmp{secs} representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00, January 1 1970 UTC and returns a structure containing information about \exmp{secs} in the local timezone. The structure contains the following \dtype{Int_Type} fields: \var{tm_sec} The number of seconds after the minute, normally in the range 0 to 59, but can be up to 61 to allow for leap seconds. \var{tm_min} The number of minutes after the hour, in the range 0 to 59. \var{tm_hour} The number of hours past midnight, in the range 0 to 23. \var{tm_mday} The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31. \var{tm_mon} The number of months since January, in the range 0 to 11. \var{tm_year} The number of years since 1900. \var{tm_wday} The number of days since Sunday, in the range 0 to 6. \var{tm_yday} The number of days since January 1, in the range 0 to 365. \var{tm_isdst} A flag that indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect at the time described. The value is positive if daylight saving time is in effect, zero if it is not, and negative if the information is not available. \seealso{gmtime, _time, ctime, mktime} \done \function{mktime} \synopsis{Convert a time-structure to seconds} \usage{secs = mktime (Struct_Type tm)} \description The \ifun{mktime} function is essentially the inverse of the \ifun{localtime} function. See the documentation for that function for more details. \seealso{localtime, gmtime, _time} \done \function{strftime} \synopsis{Format a date and time string} \usage{str = strftime (String_Type format [,Struct_Type tm])} \description The \ifun{strftime} creates a date and time string according to a specified format. If called with a single argument, the current local time will be used as the reference time. If called with two arguments, the second argument specifies the reference time, and must be a structure with the same fields as the structure returned by the \ifun{localtime} function. The format string may be composed of one or more of the following format descriptors: #v+ %A full weekday name (Monday) %a abbreviated weekday name (Mon) %B full month name (January) %b abbreviated month name (Jan) %c standard date and time representation %d day-of-month (01-31) %H hour (24 hour clock) (00-23) %I hour (12 hour clock) (01-12) %j day-of-year (001-366) %M minute (00-59) %m month (01-12) %p local equivalent of AM or PM %S second (00-59) %U week-of-year, first day Sunday (00-53) %W week-of-year, first day Monday (00-53) %w weekday (0-6, Sunday is 0) %X standard time representation %x standard date representation %Y year with century %y year without century (00-99) %Z timezone name %% percent sign #v- as well as any others provided by the C library. The actual values represented by the format descriptors are locale-dependent. \example #v+ message (strftime ("Today is %A, day %j of the year")); tm = localtime (0); message (strftime ("Unix time 0 was on a %A", tm)); #v- \seealso{localtime, time} \done \function{_tic} \synopsis{Reset the CPU timer} \usage{_tic ()} \description The \ifun{_tic} function resets the internal CPU timer. The \ifun{_toc} may be used to read this timer. See the documentation for the \ifun{_toc} function for more information. \seealso{_toc, times, tic, toc} \done \function{tic} \synopsis{Reset the interval timer} \usage{void tic ()} \description The \ifun{tic} function resets the internal interval timer. The \ifun{toc} may be used to read the interval timer. \example The tic/toc functions may be used to measure execution times. For example, at the \slsh prompt, they may be used to measure the speed of a loop: #v+ slsh> tic; loop (500000); toc; 0.06558 #v- \notes On Unix, this timer makes use of the C library \cfun{gettimeofday} function. \seealso{toc, _toc, _tic, times} \done \function{_time} \synopsis{Get the current calendar time in seconds} \usage{Long_Type _time ()} \description The \ifun{_time} function returns the number of elapsed seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. A number of functions (\ifun{ctime}, \ifun{gmtime}, \ifun{localtime}, etc.) are able to convert such a value to other representations. \notes This function is a wrapper around the C library \exmp{time} function, and as such, probably does not account for leap seconds. \seealso{_ftime, ctime, time, localtime, gmtime} \done \function{_ftime} \synopsis{Get the current calendar time in seconds} \usage{Double_Type _ftime ( [Double_Type opt_epoch] )} \description The \ifun{_ftime} function returns the number seconds since the Unix epoch, 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 as a double precision number. If the optional argument \exmp{opt_epoch} is passed, the function will return a value relative to that epoch, which is defined as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. \seealso{_time, ctime, time, localtime, gmtime} \done \function{time} \synopsis{Return the current date and time as a string} \usage{String_Type time ()} \description This function returns the current time as a string of the form: #v+ Sun Apr 21 13:34:17 1996 #v- \seealso{strftime, ctime, message, substr} \done \function{timegm} \synopsis{Convert a time structure for the GMT timezone to seconds} \usage{Long_Type secs = timegm(Struct_Type tm)} \description \ifun{timegm} is the inverse of the \ifun{gmtime} function. \seealso{gmtime, mktime, localtime} \done \function{times} \synopsis{Get process times} \usage{Struct_Type times ()} \description The \ifun{times} function returns a structure containing the following fields: #v+ tms_utime (user time) tms_stime (system time) tms_cutime (user time of child processes) tms_cstime (system time of child processes) #v- \notes Not all systems support this function. \seealso{_tic, _toc, _time} \done \function{_toc} \synopsis{Get the elapsed CPU time for the current process} \usage{Double_Type _toc ()} \description The \ifun{_toc} function returns the elapsed CPU time in seconds since the last call to \ifun{_tic}. The CPU time is the amount of time the CPU spent running the code of the current process. \notes This function may not be available on all systems. The implementation of this function is based upon the \ifun{times} system call. The precision of the clock is system dependent and may not be very accurate for small time intervals. For this reason, the tic/toc functions may be more useful for small time-intervals. \seealso{_tic, tic, toc, times, _time} \done \function{toc} \synopsis{Read the interval timer} \usage{Double_Type toc ()} \description The \ifun{toc} function returns the elapsed time in seconds since the last call to \ifun{tic}. See the documentation for the \ifun{tic} function for more information. \seealso{tic, _tic, _toc, times, _time} \done