\function{assoc_delete_key} \synopsis{Delete a key from an Associative Array} \usage{assoc_delete_key (Assoc_Type a, String_Type k)} \description The \ifun{assoc_delete_key} function deletes a key given by \exmp{k} from the associative array \exmp{a}. If the specified key does not exist in \exmp{a}, then this function has no effect. \seealso{assoc_key_exists, assoc_get_keys} \done \function{assoc_get_keys} \synopsis{Return all the key names of an Associative Array} \usage{String_Type[] assoc_get_keys (Assoc_Type a)} \description This function returns all the key names of an associative array \exmp{a} as an ordinary one dimensional array of strings. If the associative array contains no keys, an empty array will be returned. \seealso{assoc_get_values, assoc_key_exists, assoc_delete_key, length} \done \function{assoc_get_values} \synopsis{Return all the values of an Associative Array} \usage{Array_Type assoc_get_values (Assoc_Type a)} \description This function returns all the values in the associative array \exmp{a} as an array of proper type. If the associative array contains no keys, an empty array will be returned. \example Suppose that \exmp{a} is an associative array of type \dtype{Integer_Type}, i.e., it was created via #v+ variable a = Assoc_Type[Integer_Type]; #v- Then the following may be used to print the values of the array in ascending order: #v+ define print_sorted_values (a) { variable v = assoc_get_values (a); variable i = array_sort (v); v = v[i]; foreach (v) { variable vi = (); () = fprintf (stdout, "%d\n", vi); } } #v- \seealso{assoc_get_keys, assoc_key_exists, assoc_delete_key, array_sort} \done \function{assoc_key_exists} \synopsis{Check to see whether a key exists in an Associative Array} \usage{Integer_Type assoc_key_exists (Assoc_Type a, String_Type k)} \description The \ifun{assoc_key_exists} function may be used to determine whether or not a specified key \exmp{k} exists in an associative array \exmp{a}. It returns 1 if the key exists, or 0 if it does not. \seealso{assoc_get_keys, assoc_get_values, assoc_delete_key} \done