# `pyproject.toml` ```{versionadded} 10.0 ``` Modern Python packages can contain a `pyproject.toml` file, first introduced in {pep}`518` and later expanded in {pep}`517`, {pep}`621` and {pep}`660`. This file contains build system requirements and information, which are used by pip to build the package. ## Build process The overall process for building a package is: - Create an isolated build environment. - Populate the build environment with build dependencies. - Generate the package's metadata, if necessary and possible. - Generate a wheel for the package. The wheel can then be used to perform an installation, if necessary. ### Build Isolation For building packages using this interface, pip uses an _isolated environment_. That is, pip will install build-time Python dependencies in a temporary directory which will be added to `sys.path` for the build commands. This ensures that build requirements are handled independently of the user's runtime environment. For example, a project that needs an older version of setuptools to build can still be installed, even if the user has an newer version installed (and without silently replacing that version). ### Build-time dependencies Introduced in {pep}`518`, the `build-system.requires` key in the `pyproject.toml` file is a list of requirement specifiers for build-time dependencies of a package. ```toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools ~= 58.0", "cython ~= 0.29.0"] ``` It is also possible for a build backend to provide dynamically calculated build dependencies, using {pep}`517`'s `get_requires_for_build_wheel` hook. This hook will be called by pip, and dependencies it describes will also be installed in the build environment. For example, newer versions of setuptools expose the contents of `setup_requires` to pip via this hook. Build-time requirement specifiers follow {pep}`508`, so it's possible to reference packages with URLs. For example: ```toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools @ git+https://github.com/pypa/setuptools.git@main"] ``` ### Metadata Generation ```{versionadded} 19.0 ``` Once the build environment has been created and populated with build-time dependencies, `pip` will usually need metadata about a package (name, version, dependencies, and more). If {pep}`517`'s `prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel` hook is provided by the build backend, that will be used to generate the packages' metadata. Otherwise, a wheel will be generated (as described below) and the metadata contained within such a wheel will be used. ### Wheel Generation ```{versionadded} 19.0 ``` For generating a wheel, pip uses the {pep}`517` `build_wheel` hook that has to be provided by the build backend. The build backend will generate a wheel, which may involve compiling extension code written in C/C++ (or other languages). Wheels generated using this mechanism can be [cached](wheel-caching) for reuse, to speed up future installations. ### Editable Installation ```{versionadded} 21.3 ``` For performing editable installs, pip will use {pep}`660` `build_wheel_for_editable` hook that has to be provided by the build backend. The wheels generated using this mechanism are not cached. ```{admonition} Compatibility fallback If this hook is missing on the build backend _and_ there's a `setup.py` file in the project, pip will fallback to the legacy setup.py-based editable installation. This is considered a stopgap solution until setuptools adds support for {pep}`660`, at which point this functionality will be removed; following pip's regular {ref}`deprecation policy `. ``` ### Backend Configuration Build backends have the ability to accept configuration settings, which can change the way the build is handled. These settings take the form of a series of `key=value` pairs. The user can supply configuration settings using the `--config-settings` command line option (which can be supplied multiple times, in order to specify multiple settings). The supplied configuration settings are passed to every backend hook call. Configuration settings provided via `--config-settings` command line options (or the equivalent environment variables or configuration file entries) are passed to the build of requirements explicitly provided as pip command line arguments. They are not passed to the build of dependencies, or to the build of requirements provided in requirement files. ## Build output It is the responsibility of the build backend to ensure that the output is in the correct encoding, as described in {pep}`517`. This likely involves dealing with [the same challenges as pip has for legacy builds](build-output). ## Fallback Behaviour If a project does not have a `pyproject.toml` file containing a `build-system` section, it will be assumed to have the following backend settings: ```toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__" ``` If a project has a `build-system` section but no `build-backend`, then: - It is expected to include `setuptools` and `wheel` as build requirements. An error is reported if the available version of `setuptools` is not recent enough. - The `setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__` build backend will be used. ## Disabling build isolation This can be disabled using the `--no-build-isolation` flag -- users supplying this flag are responsible for ensuring the build environment is managed appropriately, including ensuring that all required build-time dependencies are installed, since pip does not manage build-time dependencies when this flag is passed. ## Historical notes As this feature was incrementally rolled out, there have been various notable changes and improvements in it. - setuptools 40.8.0 is the first version of setuptools that offers a {pep}`517` backend that closely mimics directly executing `setup.py`. - Prior to pip 18.0, pip only supports installing build requirements from wheels, and does not support the use of environment markers and extras (only version specifiers are respected). - Prior to pip 18.1, build dependencies using `.pth` files are not properly supported; as a result namespace packages do not work under Python 3.2 and earlier.