pisg 0.73 documentation How to install and configure pisg __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents What is pisg? What are the requirements to run pisg? Setting up pisg for the first time Setting up a channel Specifying user options Setting global options Ignoring links Including common settings for various channels Changing the layout of your stats page Running pisg Obtaining help and reporting bugs General pisg options Channel -- define channel name Format -- the logfile format Network -- the IRC network of the channel OutputFile -- name of the generated HTML page OutputTag -- tag to insert into OutputFile Logfile -- name of logfile to parse LogDir -- parse a directory full of logs NFiles -- parse only the last files in LogDir Maintainer -- name of the maintainer ColorScheme -- use a different color scheme for stats page AltColorScheme -- alternate stylesheets for stats page Lang -- define the language / translation to use PageHead -- define a file as page header PageFoot -- define a file as page footer LogPrefix -- only parse logs LogPrefixed with a user defined string LogSuffix -- Regexp to sort logfiles by format month||day||year Silent -- make pisg silent, suppress messages CacheDir -- use a cache to speed up log parsing Options for various statistics features DailyActivity -- number of days to show in "Daily Actitity" ShowActiveTimes -- enable/disable "Most Active Times" ShowActiveNicks -- enable/disable "Most Active Nicks" ShowBigNumbers -- enable/disable "Big Numbers" sections ShowTopics -- enable/disable "Latest topics" sections ShowLines -- enable/disable "number of lines" ShowWpl -- enable/disable "words per line" ShowCpl -- enable/disable "characters per line" ShowWords -- enable/disable "number of words" ShowLastSeen -- show when a user was last seen on a channel ShowTime -- show when a nick was active ShowLineTime -- mIRCStats like behaviour of time bar ShowWordTime -- ShowLineTime like behavior of words column ShowRandQuote -- enable or disable the random quotes ShowLegend -- enable or disable the legend of the time bars ShowKickLine -- enable or disable the kick line ShowActionLine -- enable or disable the action line ShowShoutLine -- enable or disable the shout line ShowFoulDecimals -- set how many decimals to show ShowFoulLine -- enable or disable the foul line ShowViolentLines -- enable or disable the violent lines ShowMuw -- enable or disable "Most used words" ShowMrn -- enable or disable "Most referenced nicks" ShowMru -- enable or disable "Most referenced URLs" ShowCharts -- enable or disable channel music charts ShowOps -- enable or disable op statistics ShowVoices -- enable or disable voice statistics ShowHalfops -- enable or disable halfop statistics ShowMostNicks -- show who changed nick most often ShowActiveGenders -- show stats on which gender talked most ShowSmileys -- show most used smileys ShowKarma -- show channel karma ShowMostActiveByHour -- show most active nicks by hour ShowOnlyTop -- only count stats for top talkers, ignore less-active users ShowMostActiveByHourGraph -- show graphs in most active nicks by hour IgnoreWords -- ignore specified words NoIgnoredQuotes -- Control random quote output FoulWords -- specify words considered to be bad/FoulWords language ViolentWords -- specify words considered to be aggressive/violent MinQuote -- minimum numbers of letters for a random quote MaxQuote -- maximum numbers of letters for a random quote WordLength -- minimum number of characters in an interesting word QuoteWidth -- maximum allowed length of a "word" with no spaces BigNumbersThreshold -- Minimum number of lines per user for some "Big Numbers" statistics ActiveNicks -- nicks to show in "Most Active Nicks" ActiveNicks2 -- nicks to show in "These didn't make it.." ActiveNicksByHour -- number of nicks to show in "Most Active Nicks By Hour" MostNicksHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "users with most nicknames" MostNicksVerbose -- show nicks used in "most nicks" TopicHistory -- maximum number of topics to show UrlHistory -- maximum number of URLs to show ChartsHistory -- number of songs to show ChartsRegexp -- how to recognize songs played WordHistory -- maximum number of words to show NickHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "Most referenced nicks" SmileyHistory -- maximum number of smileys to show in smiley stats KarmaHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "Karma" NickTracking -- track nick changes and create aliases NickLimit -- maximum number of nicks in lists SortByWords -- sort "most active nicks" by words Picture options PicLocation -- path to images on stats page UserPics -- number of user pictures per row ImagePath -- path to user pictures (HTML page) DefaultPic -- use a default user picture ImageGlobPath -- path to user pictures (output generation) PicWidth -- define a standard width for user pictures PicHeight -- define a standard height for user pictures Misc options Charset -- character set to use for stats page LogCharset -- character set for logfiles LogCharsetFallback -- fallback character set for logfiles TimeOffset -- use a different time zone than the local machine RegexpAliases -- use regular expressions in user aliases LangFile -- filename of language file CssDir -- path to directory with CSS files HiCell, HiCell2 -- colors for color gradient in most active nicks section LogType -- type of log (not the format of the log) StatsDump -- dump raw statistics into file Copyright and License __________________________________________________________ What is pisg? pisg is an IRC statistics generator. It takes IRC logfiles and turns them into nice looking stats. In general, you would do something like this to get it running: * Enable logging in an IRC bot, or in your IRC client. The log will be outputted into a file. * You set up pisg, you define the channel name, and the path to the logfile you created. * You run pisg, pisg runs the log through and create statistics, it then creates an HTML page which you can upload to a webserver. __________________________________________________________ What are the requirements to run pisg? * An IRC client or bot where pisg supports the output logfile. * Any operating system which Perl runs on, this includes popular OSes such as Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and Mac. You will have a hard time finding an OS where Perl isn't supported. For Windows this means that you need to download ActivePerl. * Optional - a system to host the statistics page 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. * Optional - a system to log the channel, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. __________________________________________________________ Setting up pisg for the first time Most configuration happens through the pisg.cfg file, the file format is made to be easy to read, and easy to extend for further use. It uses an XML-like format, with elements and attributes. __________________________________________________________ Setting up a channel An element called Channel is made for defining channels, a quick example of a channel is here: Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" Maintainer = "John" OutputFile = "mychan.html" The above will define a Channel called #channel, the logfile pisg will look for is called channel.log and the Format of the logfile will be mIRC. The Maintainer (which will be stated on the output page) is John. That is basically it! Now, there are a lot more options that you can use for your channels, for this please refer to the reference documentation. Also be-aware of the fact that pisg uses various images to show the time-related bars. These images are placed in the gfx/ folder and should be placed into the same directory as your outputted HTML file. __________________________________________________________ Specifying user options User options are set with a simple XML-like syntax in the form: Remember, the nick is always required. For example to add aliases to a nick, then you could do this: The asterisk (*) means that it will match all nicks starting with 'Joe^'. So it will add all Joe^'s to 'Joe' in the stats. Another thing you can do is to add a picture to a user: If you have a larger picture of the user as well, you can make the picture on the stats page link to it: You can include * or ? to enable filename globbing to randomly choose one from several pictures: (see documentation for the ImageGlobPath option) You can also set a user's sex. The sex setting can be "f"emale, "m"ale, or "b"ot: Also you can add links to URLs and e-mails: or The last thing you can do is to ignore nicks (for example bots): You don't have to do all this in many lines, you could just as easily do: (Here the aliases are a space separated list of nicks, that also works! But * as a wildcard is smarter, although it is slower). __________________________________________________________ Setting global options Many times, it will be useful to set up global options, global options are set like this: Any global option will be overriden by anything defined within channel elements (see the Section called Setting up a channel) For example, to change the background color of the stats page, you could do: You can set many options in a single set: The above will set the language on the statistics page to DE (Deutsch, German) and set the time offset to +1. All options available are mentioned in the reference documentation. __________________________________________________________ Ignoring links It's possible to ignore links in the "Most referenced URLs" section: __________________________________________________________ Including common settings for various channels If you have, for example, more than one channel, where the users are the same, or you don't want to maintain more than one user file, you can use the "include" setting in the main config file: This will include the file /home/vetinari/pisg/users.cfg in the config at the place where the include statement is set. Note, that you can NOT include a file from an included file! __________________________________________________________ Changing the layout of your stats page The standard layout and colors in the outputted HTML page are made to be somewhat clean and neutral. But you have the chance to change the layout yourself. There are a few predefined color schemes for you to use, use the ColorScheme option when using them. The colorschemes distributed with pisg are: default (which is the default), darkgalaxy, darkred, justgrey, ocean, orange_grey, pisg, softgreen. When changing it, you need a fair knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS is what most of the web uses today to define styles and layout on HTML pages. With the pisg distribution, look in the layout directory. In it resides default.css which is the file being included onto the HTML page. Open it in a text editor like vi or notepad. Then change it until you're happy with it. Be aware that you might want to look at the HiCell and HiCell2 options through pisg.cfg for changing the last two colors. If you have created a nice stylesheet which other can take advantage of, you are encouraged to send it to the pisg mailing list so that it can be distributed with the next version of pisg. If you want to embed the statistics into another page, use the "none" color scheme. Pisg will then omit the HTML header and write only the body part. __________________________________________________________ Running pisg When everything is set up in the pisg configuration file (pisg.cfg), then you simply run pisg on the command-line. Using Linux, BSD or another UNIX-like system: user@host:pisg-0.37$ ./pisg Using Windows: c:\pisg> perl pisg The program will run and parse the logfiles you specified in the configuration file. If you are using Linux, BSD or another UNIX-like system and want run pisg automatically several times a day, then see the crontab file in the scripts/ directory. For Windows, see the windows-upload-ftp.txt file with the pisg distribution, this file is also placed in the scripts/ directory. __________________________________________________________ Obtaining help and reporting bugs If your problem could not be resolved through here, then you should send an e-mail to the pisg mailing list. You can subscribe and see more info at http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pisg-general. If you believe that you have found a bug, you should use the SourceForge bug tracking system. __________________________________________________________ General pisg options Channel ----------------------- Channel option ----------------------- Channel -- define channel name Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" Maintainer = "John" Description ----------- Channel is used in two contexts, globally when using and when defining new channels. It sets the name of the channel. Default Unset Format ----------------------- Format option ----------------------- Format -- the logfile format Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "eggdrop" Maintainer = "John" Description ----------- Format is used to define the format of the logfile, pisg supports a various number of different logfiles, see the FORMATS file included with the pisg distribution. If your logfiles have the suffix .gz or .bz2, they will automatically be decompressed and read by pisg. See also Maintainer. Default Unset Network ----------------------- Network option ----------------------- Network -- the IRC network of the channel Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "eggdrop" Network = "Undernet" Description ----------- Network is used to set the network which the channel resides on, this name is displayed on the stats page. Default SomeIRCNetwork OutputFile ----------------------- OutputFile option ----------------------- OutputFile -- name of the generated HTML page Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "eggdrop" OutputFile = "mychan.html" Description ----------- OutputFile is used to define the name of the generated statistics page. Default index.html OutputTag ----------------------- OutputTag option ----------------------- OutputTag -- tag to insert into OutputFile Synopsis -------- LogDir = "logs/" Format = "eggdrop" OutputFile = "mychan%t.html" OutputTag = "-week" Description ----------- OutputTag specifies a string that will replace occurrences of "%t" in OutputFile. This option is most useful when used as a command line switch (-t) to pisg in conjunction with NFiles (-nf). Example: $ pisg -co pisg.conf $ pisg -co pisg.conf -nf 8 -t -week Leaving out the OutputTag settings from the above pisg.conf snippet, this writes both the full statistics (mychan.html) and statistics for the last week (mychan-week.html) using the same pisg config file. (Assuming that there are separate logfiles for each day.) Default unset Logfile ----------------------- Logfile option ----------------------- Logfile -- name of logfile to parse Synopsis -------- Logfile="/home/foo/eggdrop/logs/mylog.txt" Format = "eggdrop" Description ----------- This defines the filename of the logfile to parse for the channel. If you want to parse a directory full of logfiles, you should use the LogDir option instead. Providing this option multiple times will parse multiple files in the order the statements appear. Wildcards (* ? []) will be expanded. See also LogDir and NFiles. Default unset LogDir ----------------------- LogDir option ----------------------- LogDir -- parse a directory full of logs Synopsis -------- LogDir="/home/foo/eggdrop/logs/" Format = "eggdrop" Description ----------- When LogDir is defined to valid path to a directory, then pisg will run through that directory, parse all logfiles in it and create one HTML page from it. Useful with for example eggdrop logs. Providing this option multiple times will parse all the files in multiple directories in the order the statements appear. See also NFiles, LogPrefix, and LogSuffix. Default unset NFiles ----------------------- NFiles option ----------------------- NFiles -- parse only the last files in LogDir Synopsis -------- LogDir="/home/foo/eggdrop/logs/" NFiles="8" Format="eggdrop" Description ----------- When NFiles is set to a positive integer, pisg will process only the last that much logfiles from Logfile and LogDir options. Useful to create statistics that cover the last week or month (assuming there are separate logfile per day/week/etc.). Default 0 (process all files) Maintainer ----------------------- Maintainer option ----------------------- Maintainer -- name of the maintainer Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" Maintainer = "Benny" Description ----------- Maintainer is used to define the name of the maintainer of the statistics page, this can be either the person generating the stats or the bot/client doing the logging. The maintainer is displayed in the outputted stats page. This setting is also used by some log parsers where "You" is used instead of the nick in the log (e.g. "You have been kicked"). See also Format, NickTracking. Default MAINTAINER ColorScheme ----------------------- ColorScheme option ----------------------- ColorScheme -- use a different color scheme for stats page Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" ColorScheme = "darkgalaxy" Maintainer = "John" Description ----------- ColorScheme is used to define the color scheme used for the statistics page. Actually it's the CSS file being included. CSS files distributed with pisg are: darkgalaxy, darkred, default, justgrey, ocean, orange_grey, pisg, softgreen (omit the .css). The file will be included statically in the generated HTML page. If you give a file name or URL (i.e. a color scheme name with .css or a path), the file will be linked to instead. Using "none" will cause pisg to write only the body of the page; use this to include the statistics into a custom page. See also CssDir, AltColorScheme, HiCell/HiCell2. Default default AltColorScheme ----------------------- AltColorScheme option ----------------------- AltColorScheme -- alternate stylesheets for stats page Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" ColorScheme = "darkgalaxy" AltColorScheme = "layout/ocean.css" Maintainer = "John" Description ----------- AltColorScheme defines an alternate CSS file to be used for the statistics page. Multiple files can be given (space separated.) Note that this is not supported by all browsers. See also ColorScheme and CssDir. Default default Lang ----------------------- Lang option ----------------------- Lang -- define the language / translation to use Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" Lang = "DE" OutputFile = "mychan-%l.html" Description ----------- Lang defines the language to use for the stats. Currently, lang.txt includes: EN (English), BG (Bulgarian), CA (Catalan), CZ (Czech), DA (Danish), DE (German), EE (Estonian), ES (Spanish), FI (Finnish), FR (French), GR (Greek), HE (Hebrew), HU (Hungarian), IS (Icelandic), IT (Italian), NL (Dutch), NL_BE (Flemish), NO (Norwegian), PL (Polish), PT (Portuguese), PT_BR (Portuguese/Brazil), RO (Romanian), RU (Russian), SE (Swedish), SI (Slovenian), SK (Slovak), SQ (Albanian), TR (Turkish), YU (Serbian). Output in several languages can be generated at the same time, separate the languages by comma. The tag %l in the output file name will be replaced by the language name. See also LangFile. Default EN (English) PageHead ----------------------- PageHead option ----------------------- PageHead -- define a file as page header Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" OutputFile = "stats.html" PageHead = "myheader.txt" Description ----------- PageHead is used to include a file in the stats page, for example an introduction text, a link to an image or a banner. The file can hold anything, it will be included raw in the stats page - so HTML should be preferred. The file will be included in the top of the page. This option is the opposite of PageFoot. Default none PageFoot ----------------------- PageFoot option ----------------------- PageFoot -- define a file as page footer Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" outputfile = "stats.html" PageFoot = "myfooter.txt" Description ----------- PageFoot is used to include a file in the stats page, for example an introduction text, a link to an image or a banner. The file can hold anything, it will be included raw in the stats page - so HTML should be preferred. The file will be included in the bottom of the page. This option is the opposite of PageHead. Default none LogPrefix ----------------------- LogPrefix option ----------------------- LogPrefix -- only parse logs LogPrefixed with a user defined string Synopsis -------- LogDir="/home/foo/eggdrop/logs/" Format = "eggdrop" LogPrefix = "logjun" Description ----------- When using the LogDir option and you only want to use a slew of the files in it, you can have pisg choose only files which are prefixed with a special string. Default unset LogSuffix ----------------------- LogSuffix option ----------------------- LogSuffix -- Regexp to sort logfiles by format month||day||year Synopsis -------- Description ----------- LogSuffix is used to define the suffix of a logfile, it only works when LogDir is defined. The example in the synopsis is for the eggdrop bots default format. Default Unset Silent ----------------------- Silent option ----------------------- Silent -- make pisg silent, suppress messages Synopsis -------- Description ----------- This option is useful mainly from command line when invoking pisg with --silent 1. But it can also used in the configuration file. It will suppress all standard output from pisg. Error messages will still be sent. Default 0 (disabled) CacheDir ----------------------- CacheDir option ----------------------- CacheDir -- use a cache to speed up log parsing Synopsis -------- Description ----------- Setting this option makes pisg dump the results of log parsing into cache files. The next time pisg is run, it compares the timestamp of the log(s) with the timestamp stored in the cache file. When the log was not changed, the cached data is used. (This means that it does not work if you only have a single big logfile. Split the log at arbitrary points and use LogDir or Logfile="dir/*".) Note that the cache files should be deleted when the pisg config file is changed since the cache data uses the old config settings. NickTracking does not work especially well with the cache when using different NFiles settings. Default Unset __________________________________________________________ Options for various statistics features DailyActivity ----------------------- DailyActivity option ----------------------- DailyActivity -- number of days to show in "Daily Actitity" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" DailyActivity = "0" Description ----------- This option sets the number of days to show in the "Daily activity" section. Pisg will generate a graph that shows the actitivy during this timeframe. Setting the option to 0 disables the section. Default 0 (disabled) ShowActiveTimes ----------------------- ShowActiveTimes option ----------------------- ShowActiveTimes -- enable/disable "Most Active Times" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowActiveTimes = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can disable the "Most Active Times" section on the stats page. It will simply disappear when specifying 0. Default 1 (enabled) ShowActiveNicks ----------------------- ShowActiveNicks option ----------------------- ShowActiveNicks -- enable/disable "Most Active Nicks" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowActiveNicks = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can disable the "Most Active Nicks" section on the stats page. Default 1 (enabled) ShowBigNumbers ----------------------- ShowBigNumbers option ----------------------- ShowBigNumbers -- enable/disable "Big Numbers" sections Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowBigNumbers = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can disable the "Big Numbers" and "Other Interesting numbers" sections on the stats page. They will simply disappear when specifying 0. Default 1 (enabled) ShowTopics ----------------------- ShowTopics option ----------------------- ShowTopics -- enable/disable "Latest topics" sections Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowTopics = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can disable the "Latest topics" section on the stats page. It will simply disappear when specifying 0. Default 1 (enabled) ShowLines ----------------------- ShowLines option ----------------------- ShowLines -- enable/disable "number of lines" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowLines = "0" Description ----------- The default behaviour is to add a column to the "Most Active Nicks" section displaying the number of lines a user wrote. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowWpl ----------------------- ShowWpl option ----------------------- ShowWpl -- enable/disable "words per line" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowWpl = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can enable the "words per line" column in the "Most Active Nicks" section. It will add a column describing the average words per line for a person. Default 0 (disabled) ShowCpl ----------------------- ShowCpl option ----------------------- ShowCpl -- enable/disable "characters per line" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowCpl = "0" Description ----------- With this option you can enable the "characters per line" column in the "Most Active Nicks" section. It will add a column describing the average number of characters per line for a person. Default 0 (disabled) ShowWords ----------------------- ShowWords option ----------------------- ShowWords -- enable/disable "number of words" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowWords = "0" Description ----------- The ShowWords option adds a column to the "Most Active Nicks" list which list the total number of words a user has typed. Default 0 (disabled) ShowLastSeen ----------------------- ShowLastSeen option ----------------------- ShowLastSeen -- show when a user was last seen on a channel Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowLastSeen = "0" Description ----------- With this option enabled, a column will be added to the "Most Active Nicks" section to display when a user was last seen. E.g. "2 days ago". Default 1 (enabled) ShowTime ----------------------- ShowTime option ----------------------- ShowTime -- show when a nick was active Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowTime = "0" Description ----------- The default behaviour is to add a column to the "Most Active Nicks" section displaying a fancy time bar to show when a user was active. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowLineTime ----------------------- ShowLineTime option ----------------------- ShowLineTime -- mIRCStats like behaviour of time bar Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowLineTime = "0" Description ----------- The default behaviour is to add a column to the "Most Active Nicks" section displaying a fancy time bar to show when a user was active. With this option it can be done the same way as mIRCStats does it; that is, by putting that time bar next to the number of lines, in the same column. Default 0 (disabled) ShowWordTime ----------------------- ShowWordTime option ----------------------- ShowWordTime -- ShowLineTime like behavior of words column Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowWordTime = "0" Description ----------- The default behaviour is to add a column to the "Most Active Nicks" section displaying a fancy time bar to show when a user was active. With this option it can be done similarly to mIRCStats does it and like the ShowLineTime option, but using words instead of lines; that is, by putting that time bar next to the number of words, in the same column. Default 0 (disabled) ShowRandQuote ----------------------- ShowRandQuote option ----------------------- ShowRandQuote -- enable or disable the random quotes Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowRandQuote = "0" Description ----------- The default behaviour is to add a column to the "Most Active Nicks" section displaying a users random quote. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowLegend ----------------------- ShowLegend option ----------------------- ShowLegend -- enable or disable the legend of the time bars Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowLegend = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg shows a legend below the "Most Active Times" displaying what the different colors means. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowKickLine ----------------------- ShowKickLine option ----------------------- ShowKickLine -- enable or disable the kick line Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowKickLine = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg shows an example kick line in the "Most kicked"-stats. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowActionLine ----------------------- ShowActionLine option ----------------------- ShowActionLine -- enable or disable the action line Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowActionLine = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg shows an example action line in the "Most actions"-stats. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowShoutLine ----------------------- ShowShoutLine option ----------------------- ShowShoutLine -- enable or disable the shout line Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowShoutLine = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg shows an example shout line in the "Most shouting people"-stats. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowFoulDecimals ----------------------- ShowFoulDecimals option ----------------------- ShowFoulDecimals -- set how many decimals to show Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowFoulDecimals = "2" Description ----------- By default, pisg uses 1 decimal. With this option you could change it to whatever you like. Negative is treated as the default value. Default 1 decimal ShowFoulLine ----------------------- ShowFoulLine option ----------------------- ShowFoulLine -- enable or disable the foul line Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowFoulLine = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg doesn't show an example foul line in the "Most fouls"-stats. With this option it can be enabled. Default 0 (disabled) ShowViolentLines ----------------------- ShowViolentLines option ----------------------- ShowViolentLines -- enable or disable the violent lines Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "bobot" ShowViolentLines = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg shows example violent lines in the "Most aggressive" and "Most attacked"-stats. With this option it can be disabled. Default 1 (enabled) ShowMuw ----------------------- ShowMuw option ----------------------- ShowMuw -- enable or disable "Most used words" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMuw = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg adds an "Most used words" section to the stats page. With this option you can disable it from being shown. See also WordHistory. Default 1 (enabled) ShowMrn ----------------------- ShowMrn option ----------------------- ShowMrn -- enable or disable "Most referenced nicks" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMrn = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg adds an "Most referenced nicks" section to the stats page. With this option you can disable it from being shown. See also NickHistory. Default 1 (enabled) ShowMru ----------------------- ShowMru option ----------------------- ShowMru -- enable or disable "Most referenced URLs" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMru = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg adds an "Most referenced URLs" section to the stats page. With this option you can disable it from being shown. See also UrlHistory. Default 1 (enabled) ShowCharts ----------------------- ShowCharts option ----------------------- ShowCharts -- enable or disable channel music charts Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowCharts = "0" Description ----------- With this option set, pisg creates a chart listing of the top songs played on the channel. See also ChartsHistory and ChartsRegexp. Default 0 (disabled) ShowOps ----------------------- ShowOps option ----------------------- ShowOps -- enable or disable op statistics Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowOps = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg has op statistics in the "Most interesting numbers" section. Here you can disable the feature, it's useful if you don't feel that the information is of any value, or your log format doesn't support ops/deops. Default 1 (enabled) ShowVoices ----------------------- ShowVoices option ----------------------- ShowVoices -- enable or disable voice statistics Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowVoices = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg doesn't have voice statistics like it has op statistics. Enabling this option will add a section to the "Most interesting numbers" displaying who got most voices. Default 0 (disabled) ShowHalfops ----------------------- ShowHalfops option ----------------------- ShowHalfops -- enable or disable halfop statistics Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowHalfops = "0" Description ----------- By default, pisg doesn't have halfop statistics (+h on some servers) like it has op statistics. Enabling this option will add a section to the "Most interesting numbers" displaying who gave most half-ops. Default 0 (disabled) ShowMostNicks ----------------------- ShowMostNicks option ----------------------- ShowMostNicks -- show who changed nick most often Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMostNicks = "0" Description ----------- By enabling this option, pisg will add a section to the stats showing who had the most nicks, and what the nicks were. This option only works properly when NickTracking is enabled or user aliases have been defined. See also MostNicksHistory, MostNicksVerbose, and NickLimit. Default 0 (disabled) ShowActiveGenders ----------------------- ShowActiveGenders option ----------------------- ShowActiveGenders -- show stats on which gender talked most Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowActiveGenders = "0" Description ----------- Setting this option will make pisg create statistics on which gender (female/male/bot) talked most (see the "sex" option in the Section called Specifying user options in the Chapter called Setting up pisg for the first time). See also NickLimit. Default 0 (disabled) ShowSmileys ----------------------- ShowSmileys option ----------------------- ShowSmileys -- show most used smileys Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowSmileys = "0" Description ----------- With this option, pisg will make a list of the most used smileys in the channel. See also SmileyHistory. Default 0 (disabled) ShowKarma ----------------------- ShowKarma option ----------------------- ShowKarma -- show channel karma Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowKarma = "0" Description ----------- With this option, pisg will analyze the channel karma. Users can give other users (or things) good or bad karma by saying "nickname++" or "nickname--"; "nickname==" resets it to zero. Only the last karma is remembered per nick/nick combination, so there is at most +- 1 karma point. See also KarmaHistory and NickLimit. Default 0 (disabled) ShowMostActiveByHour ----------------------- ShowMostActiveByHour option ----------------------- ShowMostActiveByHour -- show most active nicks by hour Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMostActiveByHour = "0" Description ----------- By enabling this option, pisg will add a section to the stats showing "Most Active Nicks By Hour" - also look at the ShowMostActiveByHourGraph and ActiveNicksByHour settings. Default 0 (disabled) ShowOnlyTop ----------------------- ShowOnlyTop option ----------------------- ShowOnlyTop -- only count stats for top talkers, ignore less-active users Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowOnlyTop = "1" Description ----------- By enabling this option, stats in the "Big Numbers" and "Interesting Numbers" section will only be counted for users who were the most active. E.g. users who appear in the "Most Active Nicks" section, as respected by the ActiveNicks and ActiveNicks2 options. See also BigNumbersThreshold. Default 0 (disabled) ShowMostActiveByHourGraph ----------------------- ShowMostActiveByHourGraph option ----------------------- ShowMostActiveByHourGraph -- show graphs in most active nicks by hour Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" ShowMostActiveByHourGraph = "0" Description ----------- By enabling this option and the ShowMostActiveByHour option, pisg will show graphs in the "Most Active Nicks By Hour" section. Default 1 (enabled) IgnoreWords ----------------------- IgnoreWords option ----------------------- IgnoreWords -- ignore specified words Synopsis -------- Description ----------- Sometimes words in the "most used words" appears which you don't want to see, with this option you can ignore these words. It also applies to the "most referenced nicks" section. It's a space separated list of words. You can use * like in nick aliases. Can not be used in a channel-only context. Default unset NoIgnoredQuotes ----------------------- NoIgnoredQuotes option ----------------------- NoIgnoredQuotes -- Control random quote output Synopsis -------- Description ----------- When set to "1", pisg will not output quotes containing ignored words. Pisg will output a blank line after trying 20 random quotes if all 20 random quotes were ignored. Default 0 FoulWords ----------------------- FoulWords option ----------------------- FoulWords -- specify words considered to be bad/FoulWords language Synopsis -------- Description ----------- There is a section in the "Most interesting numbers" which tells who had a "dirty mouth" - here you can define which words are considered being bad/foul. It is a space separated list of words. You can use * like in nick aliases. Can not be used in a channel-only context. Default ass fuck bitch shit scheisse kacke arsch ficker ficken schlampe ViolentWords ----------------------- ViolentWords option ----------------------- ViolentWords -- specify words considered to be aggressive/violent Synopsis -------- Description ----------- There is a section in the "Most interesting numbers" which tells who is most "aggressive" - here you can define which words are considered being "violent". It is a space separated list of words. You can use * like in nick aliases. Can not be used in a channel-only context. Default slaps beats smacks MinQuote ----------------------- MinQuote option ----------------------- MinQuote -- minimum numbers of letters for a random quote Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" MinQuote = "10" Description ----------- The random quotes displayed in the "Most Active Nicks" section will be picked from a length range. With this option you can change the minimum number of letters required for a random quote. Also see the MaxQuote option. Note that pisg will still choose a short quote if it cannot find a longer one. Default 25 MaxQuote ----------------------- MaxQuote option ----------------------- MaxQuote -- maximum numbers of letters for a random quote Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" MaxQuote = "70" Description ----------- The random quotes displayed in the "Most Active Nicks" section will be picked from a length range. With this option you can change the maximum number of letters required for a random quote. Also see the MinQuote option. Default 65 WordLength ----------------------- WordLength option ----------------------- WordLength -- minimum number of characters in an interesting word Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" WordLength = "10" Description ----------- The "Most Used Words" section on the stats page display the most used words. The default is that a word only appears if it is longer than 5 characters. With this option you can change that minimum. Default 5 QuoteWidth ----------------------- QuoteWidth option ----------------------- QuoteWidth -- maximum allowed length of a "word" with no spaces Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" QuoteWidth = "48" Description ----------- Pisg will automatically insert a space in words that have a length over the amount QuoteWidth is set to. When used in breaking up URLs it will insert a space in the displayed URL, but not in the actual URL referenced by the HREF. Default 80 BigNumbersThreshold ----------------------- BigNumbersThreshold option ----------------------- BigNumbersThreshold -- Minimum number of lines per user for some "Big Numbers" statistics Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" BigNumbersThreshold = "10" Description ----------- Pisg will ignore users with less than this setting lines in the "questions asked", "shouts loudest", "CAPSLOCK", "longest line", "most sad", and "most happy" sections. If the setting is "sqrt" (the default), it will be dynamically replaced with the square root of the number of lines of the most active nick. See also ShowOnlyTop. Default sqrt ActiveNicks ----------------------- ActiveNicks option ----------------------- ActiveNicks -- nicks to show in "Most Active Nicks" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ActiveNicks = "50" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many nicks you want to appear in the "Most Active Nicks" section on the stats page. Default 25 ActiveNicks2 ----------------------- ActiveNicks2 option ----------------------- ActiveNicks2 -- nicks to show in "These didn't make it.." Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ActiveNicks2 = "25" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many nicks you want to appear in the "These didn't make it" section on the stats page. Default 30 ActiveNicksByHour ----------------------- ActiveNicksByHour option ----------------------- ActiveNicksByHour -- number of nicks to show in "Most Active Nicks By Hour" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ActiveNicksByHour = "25" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many nicks you want to appear in the "Most Active Nicks By Hour" section on the stats page. Default 10 MostNicksHistory ----------------------- MostNicksHistory option ----------------------- MostNicksHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "users with most nicknames" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" MostNicksHistory = "2" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many nicks you want to appear in the "Users with most nicknames" section. See also ShowMostNicks and MostNicksVerbose. Default 5 MostNicksVerbose ----------------------- MostNicksVerbose option ----------------------- MostNicksVerbose -- show nicks used in "most nicks" Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" MostNicksVerbose = "0" Description ----------- By disabling this option you can stop pisg from displaying all the nicks a user has had in the "Most used nicks" section. See also ShowMostNicks, MostNicksHistory, and NickLimit. Default 1 (enabled) TopicHistory ----------------------- TopicHistory option ----------------------- TopicHistory -- maximum number of topics to show Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" TopicHistory = "2" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many topics you want to appear in the "Latest topics" section. Default 3 UrlHistory ----------------------- UrlHistory option ----------------------- UrlHistory -- maximum number of URLs to show Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" UrlHistory = "2" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many URLs you want to appear in the "Most referenced URLs" section. See also ShowMru. Default 5 ChartsHistory ----------------------- ChartsHistory option ----------------------- ChartsHistory -- number of songs to show Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ChartsHistory = "10" Description ----------- This option sets the number of songs that will be show in the channel music charts. See also ShowCharts and ChartsRegexp. Default 5 (the Top Five) ChartsRegexp ----------------------- ChartsRegexp option ----------------------- ChartsRegexp -- how to recognize songs played Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ChartsRegexp = "(?:is )?(?:np:|(?:now )?playing:? |listening t o:? )(?:MPEG stream from)?\s*(.*)" Description ----------- This option is a perl regexp that is used to recognize songs played. Please tell the pisg mailing list if you have a better default. The regexp MUST contain a single () pair to extract the song name. See also the perlre(1) manpage, ShowCharts and ChartsHistory. Default "(?:np:|(?:now )?playing:? (?:MPEG stream from)?)\s*(.*)" WordHistory ----------------------- WordHistory option ----------------------- WordHistory -- maximum number of words to show Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" WordHistory = "5" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many words you want to appear in the "Most used words" section. See also ShowMuw. Default 10 NickHistory ----------------------- NickHistory option ----------------------- NickHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "Most referenced nicks" Synopsis -------- logfile = "channel.log" format = "mIRC" NickHistory = "3" Description ----------- With this option you can define how many nicks you want to appear in the "Most referenced nicks" section. See also ShowMrn. Default 5 SmileyHistory ----------------------- SmileyHistory option ----------------------- SmileyHistory -- maximum number of smileys to show in smiley stats Synopsis -------- logfile = "channel.log" format = "mIRC" SmileyHistory = "3" Description ----------- At most this many smileys will appear in smiley stats. See also ShowSmileys. Default 10 KarmaHistory ----------------------- KarmaHistory option ----------------------- KarmaHistory -- maximum number of nicks to show in "Karma" Synopsis -------- logfile = "channel.log" format = "mIRC" KarmaHistory = "3" Description ----------- At most this many nicks will appear in the good and bad karma stats. See also ShowKarma and NickLimit. Default 5 NickTracking ----------------------- NickTracking option ----------------------- NickTracking -- track nick changes and create aliases Synopsis -------- Description ----------- Enabling this option will track nick changes as well as it can. It will then automatically create aliases for these nicks. Useful for ShowMostNicks and other stats. Nick tracking does not work for log formats that do not use the nickname for the person running the logger, but only show "You" there. See Maintainer. Default 0 (disabled) NickLimit ----------------------- NickLimit option ----------------------- NickLimit -- maximum number of nicks in lists Synopsis -------- Description ----------- This option trims lists of nicks to a maximum length, replacing the rest with "...". Setting to 0 disables trimming. Affected are the used nicks in the "Users with most nicknames" section, nicks in "Most active genders", and nicks in the "Good/bad karma by" columns. See ShowMostNicks, ShowKarma, and ShowActiveGenders. Default 10 SortByWords ----------------------- SortByWords option ----------------------- SortByWords -- sort "most active nicks" by words Synopsis -------- logfile = "channel.log" format = "xchat" SortByWords = "0" Description ----------- The default for the "Most Active Nicks" section - is to sort users by lines. Enabling this will sort it by words instead. Default 0 (disabled) __________________________________________________________ Picture options PicLocation ----------------------- PicLocation option ----------------------- PicLocation -- path to images on stats page Synopsis -------- Description ----------- The location to the pictures used on the stats page - not the user pictures but the different bars in "Most Active Times". Default Current directory UserPics ----------------------- UserPics option ----------------------- UserPics -- number of user pictures per row Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" UserPics = "no" Description ----------- UserPics allows you to configure the number of user pictures per row. Per default, one picture will be shown. Since pictures are usually higher than one line of text, this lets the table grow. With settings greater than 1, several pictures will be placed next to each other. A good setting would be UserPics=3 and pictures of size 60x60. Set UserPics to no or 0 to disable user pictures. The latter is useful if you share a user config file between channels and want to disable user pictures for some channels. Default yes (1) ImagePath ----------------------- ImagePath option ----------------------- ImagePath -- path to user pictures (HTML page) Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ImagePath = "userpics/" Description ----------- ImagePath defines the path to where user pictures are located, relative to the HTML page generated. The default is that user pictures is located in the same directory as the HTML page. Default current directory DefaultPic ----------------------- DefaultPic option ----------------------- DefaultPic -- use a default user picture Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" DefaultPic = "not_available.jpg" Description ----------- DefaultPic defines a picture to be displayed for all users which have no other picture defined in the user element. This is good for showing "No picture available" or something. May contain globbing patterns, see ImageGlobPath below. Default unset ImageGlobPath ----------------------- ImageGlobPath option ----------------------- ImageGlobPath -- path to user pictures (output generation) Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" ImageGlobPath = "users/" Description ----------- ImageGlobPath defines the path to the directory where user pictures are located, relative to the current directory. This setting is used to choose random pictures if ? or * (globbing characters) are used in the picture name. ? matches a single character, * matches a (possibly empty) string. The default is the ImagePath setting. (NB: This setting will be different from ImagePath if the latter is not relative to the current directory, e.g. if you are writing the HTML file outside of the current directory.) Default current ImagePath setting PicWidth ----------------------- PicWidth option ----------------------- PicWidth -- define a standard width for user pictures Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" PicWidth = "500" Description ----------- PicWidth defines the standard width for user pictures. Setting the 'width' attribute of image-elements on the outputted stats page. See also PicHeight. Default unset PicHeight ----------------------- PicHeight option ----------------------- PicHeight -- define a standard height for user pictures Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" PicHeight = "500" Description ----------- PicHeight defines the standard height for user pictures. Setting the 'height' attribute of image-elements on the outputted stats page. See also PicWidth. Default unset __________________________________________________________ Misc options Charset ----------------------- Charset option ----------------------- Charset -- character set to use for stats page Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" Charset = "utf-8" Description ----------- The pisg stats page defines a character set in a meta tag, this can be used if your country is using a different one than the default. Pisg will also use this setting to convert the language templates from LangFile if the language defines a source charset. Note: you also have to tell your webserver to transmit the charset to the browser. With Apache, use "AddDefaultCharset off" in the server config. Default iso-8859-1 LogCharset ----------------------- LogCharset option ----------------------- LogCharset -- character set for logfiles Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" Charset = "iso-8859-1" LogCharset = "utf-8" Description ----------- If LogCharset is set and different from Charset, pisg will convert the charset using Text::Iconv. Using this option slows down log processing. Default empty (no conversion) LogCharsetFallback ----------------------- LogCharsetFallback option ----------------------- LogCharsetFallback -- fallback character set for logfiles Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "xchat" Charset = "utf-8" LogCharset = "utf-8" LogCharsetFallback = "iso-8859-1" Description ----------- LogCharsetFallback defines a fallback charset for the LogCharset conversion. This is useful if you have mixed unicode/iso-8859-* logs. Pisg will first try the conversion from LogCharset. If that fails, LogCharsetFallback is used. Note that this only works for charsets where certain byte sequences are illegal, like UTF-8. (In short: LogCharset = utf-8, LogCharsetFallback = iso-8859-15 works, the other way round does not.) Default empty (no fallback conversion) TimeOffset ----------------------- TimeOffset option ----------------------- TimeOffset -- use a different time zone than the local machine Synopsis -------- Logfile = "channel.log" Format = "mIRC" Maintainer = "John" TimeOffset = "+5" Description ----------- By default, pisg uses the time of the local machine to display the time of the generated stats. Sometimes when you have a shell on an external box, and it's in another country, you want to use another time. This is accomplished by the TimeOffset command. Default +0 RegexpAliases ----------------------- RegexpAliases option ----------------------- RegexpAliases -- use regular expressions in user aliases Synopsis -------- Description ----------- Enabling this option will make all aliases in lines be parsed as regular expressions; this setting also applies to the IgnoreWords, FoulWords, and ViolentWords settings. Default 0 (disabled) LangFile ----------------------- LangFile option ----------------------- LangFile -- filename of language file Synopsis -------- Description ----------- With this option you have an alternative way to define the name and/or path to the language file. Usually you don't have to touch this option. Default lang.txt CssDir ----------------------- CssDir option ----------------------- CssDir -- path to directory with CSS files Synopsis -------- Description ----------- CssDir is used to define the paths to the CSS files (the ColorSchemes). Usually you don't need to change this. This setting is only used when statically including the CSS file. Default layout/ (in current directory) HiCell, HiCell2 ----------------------- Default option ----------------------- HiCell, HiCell2 -- colors for color gradient in most active nicks section Synopsis -------- Description ----------- HiCell and HiCell2 define the colors to be used for the color gradient in the most active nicks section. They should match your ColorScheme. When setting HiCell the empty string (""), pisg will not generate a color gradient; you might want to use this with ColorScheme="none" or AltColorScheme. Default #BABADD, #CCCCCC LogType ----------------------- LogType option ----------------------- LogType -- type of log (not the format of the log) Synopsis -------- Description ----------- The type of logs kept for your channel. Currently only "Logfile" is supported, so you don't need to change this option. Default Logfile StatsDump ----------------------- StatsDump option ----------------------- StatsDump -- dump raw statistics into file Synopsis -------- Description ----------- This option is intended for debugging pisg, but might be useful to process the parsed logs with another program. The file contains the %stats and %lines hashes in perl's Data::Dumper format. Default Unset __________________________________________________________ Copyright and License pisg - Perl IRC Statistics Generator Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Morten Brix Pedersen - Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Christoph Berg This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA