dnl Example for use of GNU gettext. dnl This file is in the public domain. dnl dnl Configuration file - processed by autoconf. AC_INIT([hello-ycp], [0]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([hello.ycp]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11]) dnl Check for availability of YaST's engine. test -f /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base || { echo "*** Essential program y2base not found" 1>&2 exit 1 } dnl The installed program must know where to find its message catalogs. dnl Unfortunately, YaST hard codes the message catalog directory. localedir=/usr/share/YaST2/locale AC_SUBST([localedir]) dnl Support for the po directory. AM_PO_SUBDIRS AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([m4/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([po/Makefile], [AM_POSTPROCESS_PO_MAKEFILE]) AC_OUTPUT