#include <db_cxx.h> int DbEnv::rep_stat(DB_REP_STAT **statp, u_int32_t flags);
The DbEnv::rep_stat()
method returns the replication subsystem
The DbEnv::rep_stat()
method creates a statistical structure of type
and copies a pointer to it into a user-specified memory
Statistical structures are stored in allocated memory. If application-specific allocation routines have been declared (see DbEnv::set_alloc() for more information), they are used to allocate the memory; otherwise, the standard C library malloc(3) is used. The caller is responsible for deallocating the memory. To deallocate the memory, free the memory reference; references inside the returned memory need not be individually freed.
The following DB_REP_STAT
fields will be filled in:
uintmax_t st_bulk_fills;
The number of times the bulk buffer filled up, forcing the buffer content to be sent.
uintmax_t st_bulk_overflows;
The number of times a record was bigger than the entire bulk buffer, and therefore had to be sent as a singleton.
uintmax_t st_bulk_records;
The number of records added to a bulk buffer.
uintmax_t st_bulk_transfers;
The number of bulk buffers transferred (via a call to the application's send function).
uintmax_t st_client_rerequests;
The number of times this client site received a "re-request" message, indicating that a request it previously sent to another client could not be serviced by that client. (Compare to st_client_svc_miss.)
uintmax_t st_client_svc_miss;
The number of "request" type messages received by this client that could not be processed, forcing the originating requester to try sending the request to the master (or another client).
uintmax_t st_client_svc_req;
The number of "request" type messages received by this client. ("Request" messages are usually sent from a client to the master, but a message marked with the DB_REP_ANYWHERE flag in the invocation of the application's send function may be sent to another client instead.)
u_int32_t st_dupmasters;
The number of duplicate master conditions originally detected at this site.
u_int32_t st_egen;
The election generation number for the current or next election.
db_ssize_t st_election_cur_winner;
The environment ID of the winner of the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_datagen;
The master data generation number of the winner of the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_gen;
The master generation number of the winner of the current or last election.
DB_LSN st_election_lsn;
The maximum LSN of the winner of the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_nsites;
The number of sites responding to this site during the current election.
u_int32_t st_election_nvotes;
The number of votes required in the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_priority;
The priority of the winner of the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_sec;
The number of seconds the last election took (the total election time is st_election_sec plus st_election_usec).
int32_t st_election_status;
The current election phase (0 if no election is in progress).
u_int32_t st_election_tiebreaker;
The tiebreaker value of the winner of the current or last election.
u_int32_t st_election_usec;
The number of microseconds the last election took (the total election time is st_election_sec plus st_election_usec).
u_int32_t st_election_votes;
The number of votes received during the current election.
uintmax_t st_elections;
The number of elections held.
uintmax_t st_elections_won;
The number of elections won.
db_ssize_t st_env_id;
The current environment ID.
u_int32_t st_env_priority;
The current environment priority.
uintmax_t st_ext_duplicated;
The number of external file data messages received multiple times. This happens when the client assumes a external file data message was lost because it took too long to arrive, and so the client unnecessarily re-requests it.
uintmax_t st_ext_records;
The number of external file data messages received and written to disk.
uintmax_t st_ext_rereq;
The number of external file data messages re-requested because the original message was not recieved before the configured timeout was reached.
uintmax_t st_ext_update_rereq;
The number of external file update messages re-requested. External file update messages are expensive to create and send, so it is best to set the re-request timer high enough to avoid re-requesting them.
u_int32_t st_gen;
The current master generation number.
uintmax_t st_lease_chk;
The number of lease validity checks.
uintmax_t st_lease_chk_misses;
The number of invalid lease validity checks.
uintmax_t st_lease_chk_refresh;
The number of lease refresh attempts during lease validity checks.
uintmax_t st_lease_sends;
The number of live messages sent while using leases.
uintmax_t st_log_duplicated;
The number of duplicate log records received.
uintmax_t st_log_queued;
The number of log records currently queued.
uintmax_t st_log_queued_max;
The maximum number of log records ever queued at once.
uintmax_t st_log_queued_total;
The total number of log records queued.
uintmax_t st_log_records;
The number of log records received and appended to the log.
uintmax_t st_log_requested;
The number of times log records were missed and requested.
db_ssize_t st_master;
The current master environment ID.
uintmax_t st_master_changes;
The number of times the master has changed.
u_int32_t st_max_lease_sec;
The number of seconds of the longest lease (the total lease time is st_max_lease_sec plus st_max_lease_usec).
u_int32_t st_max_lease_usec;
The number of microseconds of the longest lease (the total lease time is st_max_lease_sec plus st_max_lease_usec).
DB_LSN st_max_perm_lsn;
The LSN of the maximum permanent log record, or 0 if there are no permanent log records.
uintmax_t st_msgs_badgen;
The number of messages received with a bad generation number.
uintmax_t st_msgs_processed;
The number of messages received and processed.
uintmax_t st_msgs_recover;
The number of messages ignored due to pending recovery.
uintmax_t st_msgs_send_failures;
The number of failed message sends.
uintmax_t st_msgs_sent;
The number of messages sent.
uintmax_t st_newsites;
The number of new site messages received.
DB_LSN st_next_lsn;
In replication environments configured as masters, the next LSN to be used. In replication environments configured as clients, the next LSN expected.
db_pgno_t st_next_pg;
The next page number we expect to receive.
u_int32_t st_nsites;
The number of sites used in the last election.
uintmax_t st_nthrottles;
The number of times that data transmission was stopped to limit the amount of data sent in response to a single call to DbEnv::rep_process_message() .
uintmax_t st_outdated;
The number of outdated conditions detected.
uintmax_t st_pg_duplicated;
The number of duplicate pages received.
uintmax_t st_pg_records;
The number of pages received and stored.
uintmax_t st_pg_requested;
The number of pages missed and requested from the master.
uintmax_t st_startsync_delayed;
The number of times the client had to delay the start of a cache flush operation (initiated by the master for an impending checkpoint) because it was missing some previous log record(s).
u_int32_t st_startup_complete;
The client site has completed its startup procedures and is now handling live records from the master.
u_int32_t st_status;
The current replication role. Set to DB_REP_MASTER if the environment is a replication master, DB_REP_CLIENT if the environment is a replication client, or 0 if replication is not configured.
uintmax_t st_txns_applied;
The number of transactions applied.
u_int32_t st_view;
The current site is a replication view.
DB_LSN st_waiting_lsn;
The LSN of the first log record we have after missing log records being waited for, or 0 if no log records are currently missing.
db_pgno_t st_waiting_pg;
The page number of the first page we have after missing pages being waited for, or 0 if no pages are currently missing.
The DbEnv::rep_stat()
method may not be called before the
method is called.
The DbEnv::rep_stat()
method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
failure, and returns 0 on success.
The statp parameter references memory into which a pointer to the allocated statistics structure is copied.
The DbEnv::rep_stat()
method may fail and throw a DbException
exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
of the following non-zero errors: