sasl_canonuser_add_plugin - add a SASL user canonicalization plugin


#include <sasl/saslplug.h>

int sasl_canonuser_add_plugin(const char *plugname,
                sasl_canonuser_plug_init_t *cplugfunc);


int sasl_canonuser_add_plugin(const char *plugname,
sasl_canonuser_plug_init_t *cplugfunc);

sasl_canonuser_add_plugin adds a user canonicalization plugin to the current list of user canonicalization plugins in the SASL library.

  • plugname – is the name of the user canonicalization plugin.

  • cplugfunc – is filled in by the sasl_canonuser_plug_init_t structure.


Returns SASL_OK on success. See sasl_errors(3) for meanings of other return codes.

Return Value

SASL functions should return SASL return codes. See sasl.h for a complete list. SASL_OK indicates success.

The following return codes indicate errors and should be handled:

Conforming to

RFC 4422