New in version 3.31.

Test command lines preserve empty arguments.

Empty values in the TEST_LAUNCHER and CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR target properties are now preserved for tests added by the following:

For the gtest_add_tests() and gtest_discover_tests() commands, empty elements in the values passed after the EXTRA_ARGS keyword are also now preserved.

The OLD behavior of this policy silently discards empty list items from the TEST_LAUNCHER and CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR target properties in the above-mentioned cases. It also silently discards empty items from the values given after EXTRA_ARGS for the gtest_add_tests() and gtest_discover_tests() commands.

The NEW behavior of this policy preserves empty list items in the TEST_LAUNCHER and CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR target properties, and in values given after EXTRA_ARGS for gtest_add_tests() and gtest_discover_tests().

This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.31. It may be set by cmake_policy() or cmake_minimum_required(). If it is not set, CMake warns, and uses OLD behavior.


The OLD behavior of a policy is deprecated by definition and may be removed in a future version of CMake.