AcquireMimeCache() caches one or more magic configurations which provides a mapping between magic attributes and a magic name.
The format of the AcquireMimeCache method is:
LinkedListInfo *AcquireMimeCache(const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception)
A description of each parameter follows:
- filename
- the font file name.
- exception
- return any errors or warnings in this structure.
GetMimeInfoList() returns any image aliases that match the specified pattern.
The magic of the GetMimeInfoList function is:
const MimeInfo **GetMimeInfoList(const char *pattern, size_t *number_aliases,ExceptionInfo *exception)
A description of each parameter follows:
- pattern
- Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.
- number_aliases
- This integer returns the number of magics in the list.
- exception
- return any errors or warnings in this structure.
GetMimeList() returns any image format alias that matches the specified pattern.
The format of the GetMimeList function is:
char **GetMimeList(const char *pattern,size_t *number_aliases, ExceptionInfo *exception)
A description of each parameter follows:
- pattern
- Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.
- number_aliases
- This integer returns the number of image format aliases in the list.
- exception
- return any errors or warnings in this structure.
GetMimeDescription() returns the mime type description.
The format of the GetMimeDescription method is:
const char *GetMimeDescription(const MimeInfo *mime_info)
A description of each parameter follows:
- mime_info
- The magic info.
GetMimeType() returns the mime type.
The format of the GetMimeType method is:
const char *GetMimeType(const MimeInfo *mime_info)
A description of each parameter follows:
- mime_info
- The magic info.
ListMimeInfo() lists the magic info to a file.
The format of the ListMimeInfo method is:
MagickBooleanType ListMimeInfo(FILE *file,ExceptionInfo *exception)
A description of each parameter follows.
An pointer to a FILE.
return any errors or warnings in this structure.